Goat Horn Pepper Sauce With Peanuts

Such a simple yet delicious sauce that goes with many different dishes.


  • one large or two smaller goat horn peppers

  • roasted, unsalted peanuts (approx. 15 g)

  • a pinch of salt

  • water

  • optional: nutritional yeast flakes



Wash the pepper(s), remove the seeds and other inedible parts. Cut them into smaller pieces. “Water-fry” them: put them in a smaller heated pot, stir, and when they start to stick to the bottom, add some water (approx. 1cm in height) to prevent them from burning. Cook on medium heat for about 7 minutes. If the water evaporates during that time - add some extra.

When the pepper is cooked, add it to a food processor, together with the remaining water - if there is no water left, add fresh water. It should cover about a third of the peppers. Better add less than more because you can always add more. Before mixing, add a pinch of salt, and if you’d like, also a teaspoon of nutritional yeast. Mix until you get a sauce of smooth consistency. If it is too thick for you, add more water; if it is too fluid, add more peanuts or remember for the next time, to add less water. Check if it is salted enough, and voila- a delicious sauce is ready to be served with potatoes, falafels, or any other side or medium dish.

Bon appetit!