Flower Pie

The first reaction of my guest when seeing the pie was: “Wow, how nice, there are flowers on top!”. And so it became a flower pie. Of course, The possibilities of what you can put on this pie are limitless, but I need to say that this specific combo is one of my favourite due to the richness and diversity of flavours.


For max. 24cm φ pie dish:


  • spelt flour (120 g)

  • buckwheat flour (100 g)

  • coconut oil (110 g)

  • cold water (approx. 3-4 tbsp)

  • salt (¾ - 1 tsp)

*coconut oil : flour = approx. 1 : 2 


  • chard + nutmeg + garlic + salt (cooked) -> approx. 200 g after cooking

  • tofu (approx. 150 g)

  • nutritional yeast (approx. 1,5 tbsp)

  • water

  • oat milk (approx. 0,5 dl)

  • salt

  • small leek

  • a slice of sheep cheese (you can substitute it by adding more tofu and nutritional yeast/salt)

  • small eggplant


Cook the chard on medium heat with pressed garlic, salt, and nutmeg. In the end, you will need to have it as dry as possible - without excess liquid.


Cut into smaller pieces and water-fry them until they become glassy and golden-brown. You will blend it later.


Peel the eggplant, wash it and slice it into approximately 0,5cm thick circles. Place them on a plate and sprinkle with salt. Cook them in a pan (with or without oil) until they become soft, but they should not develop the crust in this phase. they will go in the oven…


Weight the coconut oil and if you store it in the fridge, leave it at room temperature for a few minutes to soften. Meanwhile, mix sifted flour and salt. Add oil and mix everything with your hands. There should be no pieces of coconut oil in the dought at the end. Once you are done, cover the dough and refrigerate it for half an hour. After that, roll out the dough (I do everything already in the pie dish with my hands) and place it in the lightly oiled pie dish. Shape the edges and prick the base a few times with a fork. Bake at 200°C for 10 minutes. Then cover the pie with a thin layer of chard and bake at 200°C for approximately 6 minutes for the chard to lose excess liquid.


Meanwhile, in a blender, mix tofu, nutritional yeast, sheep cheese (optional), leek, oat milk (optional), a little bit of water (start with less, then add more if needed), and salt. The mixture should be slow-flowing. If it’s too thick, add more water and mix again.

Once the pie is out of the oven after 6 minutes, pour over the sauce and nicely place the pieces of eggplant on top. Bake for approximately 25 minutes more at 190°C until it develops a pleasant smell, and the top gets a golden-brown crust.

I served the pie with a pepper sauce with peanuts.