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Pistachio Tart

This one is something special. For all pistachio lovers out there. <3

*recipe inspired by Addicted to Dates (https://addictedtodates.com/)


For a 27 cm cake/tart tin (with removable bottom ):


  • oat flakes (130 g)

  • roasted ground hazelnuts (250 g)

  • cacao powder (30 g)

  • medjool dates, pitted (8)

  • coconut oil, solid (60 g)

  • maple syrup (30-40 ml)

  • pinch of salt


  • 1x 400ml can of coconut milk (chilled) - use only the thick part from the top of the can

  • pistachios, without shell (approx. 270 g)

  • vanilla soy yoghurt (180 g)

  • maple syrup (80-100 ml)

  • coconut oil, solid (80 g)

  • *optional: raspberries (approx. 20)


  • lyophilized raspberries


In advance:

  1. Soak the pistachios: Put them in a large bowl, cover with water and refrigerate overnight.

  2. Refrigerate the can of coconut milk overnight and then use only the thick cream from the top of the can (this should make 1 cup). Depending on what brand you use, you may need more than one can. I used I natura from DM.

  3. Soak the dates for at least 20 minutes before making the crust.


  1. To make the crust, add roasted ground hazelnuts, oats, salt and cacao powder to your food processor and process to a light crumb consistency.

  2. Then blend the dates, coconut oil and maple syrup and process until smooth (with a few lumps from the dates)..

  3. Combine the two mixtures with a spoon, until they have a dough-like consistency. If the dough doesn't hold together when you squeeze it between your fingers, add a teaspoon or two of water and mix until it sticks.

  4. Line the bottom of a 27 cm cake tin with parchment paper. Press the dough into the bottom and push it up the sides of the tin to form a crust. You can use a spatula or the bottom of a flat glass to smooth it out.

  5. Trim the edge of the crust to make it as even as possible. Set the base aside in the fridge (or outside in winter)


  1. Rinse the pistachios with clean water and remove as many of the skins as possible. They should come off easily with your fingers as the water has loosened them.

  2. Put all the ingredients for the filling except the coconut milk into your high-powered blender and blend until smooth and creamy with no lumps. Finally, add the coconut milk cream and blend briefly - if you whip it too much, you may end up with an overbeated coconut mixture of oil and something else (don't recommend).

  3. Pour ½ of the mixture onto the crust (if you don’t want to add raspberries, just pour the whole mixture at once).

  4. Then spread the defrosted raspberries evenly over the mixture. Pour in the other ½ of the mixture and tap the cake tin off your work surface to knock out any air bubbles. Place the tart in the fridge for about 3 hours to set.

  5. Once set, carefully remove the tart from the springform tin..

  6. Decorate the cake by adding liofilizated raspberries around the edge of the tart.