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Mint & Beetroot Puree

I’m so happy with how this experiment turned out. Beetroot and mentha do go very well together, creating a fresh summerish puree/sauce.


  • beetroot (2 small or 1 medium/large)

  • mentha (5 leaves)

  • lemon juice (½ tsp)


Peel and wash beetroot(s). Cut it into thin slices (approx. 10x30x2 mm). Cook on medium heat with a bit of water for about 10 minutes so that it softens. Drain put in a blender, add approx. 50 ml cold water, mentha leaves, lemon juice, and blend to get a smooth sauce. Add more water if you think it is needed. Strain, if you want to have a really smooth puree (I didn’t).

It serves well as a refreshing sauce in tortillas and goes great with my summer pie recipe. ;)

Bon appetit!